To ask someone to hurry up or do something faster

asking someone to hurry up or do something faster, Englishtips

 Let's speed this up! (to hurry up):

    "Let's speed this up so we can have more time to relax later."

There's no time to wait! (to hurry up):

    "There's no time to wait, we need to get going now!"

Let's get going! (to start moving):

    "Let's get going! We have a lot to accomplish today."

Let's get a move on! (to hurry up):

    "Let's get a move on, or we'll never get this done."

Pick up the pace! (to hurry up):

    "Pick up the pace, or we're going to fall behind."

Chop chop! (to hurry up):

    "Chop chop! We need to get this wrapped up before the boss arrives."

Hurry up! (to hurry up):

    "Hurry up, or we're going to miss the bus!"

Let's put some pedal to the metal! (to hurry up):

    "Let's put some pedal to the metal and get this finished!"

Let's get this show on the road! (to start something):

    "Let's get this show on the road and start working on the project!"

Let's get the ball rolling! (to start something):

    "Let's get the ball rolling and start the meeting."

Let's get cracking! (to start something):

    "Let's get cracking and see what we can get done today."

Let's get to it! (to start something):

    "Let's get to it and make this happen!"

Let's get this thing done! (to finish something):

    "Let's get this thing done so we can all go home!"

Let's make it snappy! (to hurry up):

    "Let's make it snappy, or we're going to be late!"

Let's get it over with! (to finish something quickly):

    "Let's get it over with so we can move on to the next thing."

We don't have all day! (to hurry up):

    "We don't have all day, so let's get started!"

We haven’t got all day! (to hurry up):

    "We haven’t got all day, so let's get moving!"

The clock is ticking! (to hurry up):

    "The clock is ticking, so we need to get this done quickly!"

We're on a deadline! (to hurry up):

    "We're on a deadline, so we need to pick up the pace!"

We need to get a hurry on! (to hurry up):

    "We need to get a hurry on, or we're not going to make it."

We need to pick up the slack! (to work harder):

    "We need to pick up the slack, or we're going to fall behind."

We need to get our act together! (to start working together better):

    "We need to get our act together and start working as a team."

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