Some sentences and phrases you can use in welcome speeches

Here are some phrases and sentence you can use in a welcome speech.

"Good evening/morning everyone, and welcome!"
"It is my great pleasure to welcome you all here today."
"On behalf of [organization/company], I extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you."
"We are honored to have you join us for this special occasion."
"I am thrilled to see so many familiar faces and so many new ones."
"Let's give a round of applause to all our guests for joining us today."
"I hope you have a wonderful time and enjoy the events we have planned for you."
"We have an exciting program lined up for you, so sit back, relax, and let's get started."
"Without further ado, it is my honor to officially open this [event/gathering/conference etc.]"
"Let's make the most of this opportunity to come together, network and have a great time."


"We have gathered here today to celebrate [event/occasion] and I couldn't be more excited."
"It's wonderful to see so many people from different backgrounds and cultures come together for this event."
"I would like to extend a special welcome to our [guests of honor/keynote speaker/special guests etc.]"
"I believe that this [event/gathering/conference etc.] will be a memorable one and an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and make new connections."
"We have a jam-packed schedule ahead of us, so let's make the most of every moment."
"I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the hard work of the [organization/event team/volunteers etc.] who made this event possible."
"I am confident that this [event/gathering/conference etc.] will provide a platform for new ideas, inspiration, and positive change."
"It's a privilege to have you all here today and I look forward to sharing this experience with you."
"Let's make this a productive, engaging, and enjoyable event for all."
"I hope you will all leave here today feeling inspired, connected, and with a sense of belonging."


Instead of 'I extend a warm welcome...'  here are some other phrases to bring varaiety in to a welcome speech.

It is my pleasure to extend a warm welcome to...
On behalf of the [event or organization], I would like to extend a warm welcome to...
Let us give a warm round of applause to...
I am honored to be able to welcome...
Please join me in extending a warm welcome to...
I am delighted to introduce...
It is with great excitement that I welcome...
I would like to extend a heartfelt welcome to...
Please give a warm welcome to...
I am thrilled to greet...
Please join me in giving a warm greeting to...
I am so glad to have the opportunity to welcome...
Let us all extend a warm welcome to...
I am proud to welcome...
On behalf of the [event or organization], I would like to greet...



A sample welcome speech to be made on the occasion of  a school anniversary celebration.

Good morning everyone, and welcome to this special gathering to celebrate the anniversary of St Stephen's Higher Secondary School. It's a great honor to have you all here today to celebrate this momentous occasion with us.

First, I would like to extend a special welcome to [Name], who has graciously accepted the role of presiding over this event.

Next, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our esteemed chief guest, [Name], who has graciously joined us today. He will inaugurate this function and give us a message. A warm and joyful welcome to you, sir, thank you for joining us today.

Next, I would like to welcome our keynote speaker, [Name], who will be delivering the keynote address. Your insights and expertise will provide a valuable contribution to this celebration, and I know we are all eager to hear your thoughts on [topic].

We are also honored to have three esteemed individuals, [Name 1], [Name 2], and [Name 3], who will be giving felicitation speeches. Your words of wisdom and encouragement will provide a fitting tribute to this special occasion.

And now, it's my pleasure to introduce [Name], who will be receiving an award for his/her outstanding contribution to St Stephen's Higher Secondary School. Your dedication and hard work have been a source of inspiration to us all and we are proud to recognize you today.

Finally I would like to welcome all the teachers, parents, non teaching staff, and above all our beloved students to this joyous celebration.

Once again, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our guests, and I hope you will have a wonderful time today as we celebrate this milestone together.

A sample welcome speech for a residential association meeting

Good evening everyone and a warm and heartfelt welcome to our Residential Association meeting. I am honored to be your host for this evening's gathering and I am thrilled to be surrounded by such a fantastic community of residents who are dedicated to making our neighborhood a better place to live.

I would like to extend a special welcome to the person who will be presiding over the function today, [Name]. [Name] has a wealth of experience in [relevant field] and will be guiding us through this evening's proceedings.

I would also like to extend a warm welcome to our chief guest for the evening, [Name]. [Name] is a well-respected leader in our community and has made a significant impact through [their/his/her] tireless efforts and contributions.

Our keynote address speaker for the evening is [Name], a renowned expert in the field of [field of expertise]. [Name] will be sharing valuable insights and information with us and I am sure we will all find [their/his/her] speech to be both enlightening and inspiring.

I would like to extend a warm welcome to the office bearers of our Residential Association. [Name], [Name], and [Name] have been working tirelessly to make our community a better place and we are grateful for all their hard work and dedication.

Finally, I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you in the audience. You are the backbone of our community and your presence here tonight is a testament to your commitment to making our neighborhood a better place to live.

Once again, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our guests and residents. I am confident that this evening's meeting will be productive and enjoyable. Thank you for joining us and let's get started.

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